This is the official announcment for the Protocol Bump up forced update, it will be occuring today Saturday October 3rd between 6-8pm PST – you can prepare your regions now buy downloading the latest release on website. (OSgrid OpenSimulator – [zip] [23.0mb] 10-02-2009) at the following link – [Download Here] – please note there are also crucial changes to […]
Disruptions & Downtime
This is early notice that there will be another protocol bump and forced update this week. I dont have much detail now I just wanted to give everyone as much early notice as possible, if all goes well Diva will be checking the code into core sometime on Monday (9/28/2009) night, and if everything holds up we will likely be […]
We need to fix some inventory server crashes caused by some recent inventory protocol updates. This is going to nessectitate a update of the entire grid – we will be doing the update on Friday, however a package for you to use on friday will be availible thursday evening. Changeover will occur at Midday (12:00PM) Friday, PST.
The OSgrid website overhaul is getting a little further; I’m now happy enough with the WordPress layout to push this live (although some tweaking with comment layouts is going to be required); there are a number of important changes that are being made – outside of the new layout that is. The first is that logins are being harmonised – […]