Next pool

The grid has been brought back online. Like at the previous run, this is provisionally. We still have a pool of assets being disabled at the moment. This pool needs to be scrubbed, stored, verified, and its result merged with the current existing asset pool. This line of text takes quite a bit longer to execute than to write however. […]

Back to Maintenance

Unfortunately last night the incremental restore borked, pushing the cluster into an unusable state. It started actively refusing any new connections and to prevent damages the grid has been again taken offline and put into maintenance mode. The backend team will need more time to fine tune the process to strip free space out of the existing assets. The idea […]

Online Provisionally

Osgrid is back online provisionally. It’s possible that certain assets may become unavailable for a while when the conversion process runs across them. You are able to use the grid and build, new assets will not be affected. Due to the back end team doing their database-voodoo the cluster now has enough “breathing space” to serve both the grid and […]

Assets and Daemons

We’re currently in Maintenance mode on OSgrid. This means the grid is offline. Long technical story short, our storage cluster was seemingly running out of space. Our cluster uses ceph. This is the object storage daemon for the Ceph distributed file system. It manages data on local storage with redundancy and provides access to that data over the network. This […]

Failure establishes only that our determination to succeed was not strong enough….
Some random guy in LBSA