OSgrid is currently down, and under planned maintenance. So far the migration progress is “as expected” and on schedule. We opened a discord server (see right sidebar) which you can join to talk to / find where all your friends are currently hanging out. As stated in the previous post, OSgrid will run a new version of the 0.9.3 when […]
Disruptions & Downtime
OSgrid will be taken offline on Wednesday the 10th of January 2024, at 16.00 hours grid time. Downtime is expected to take a few days, as we have to migrate all grid services to the new server. A lot of preparation has been already done, but actually copying and importing all data, and do some testing will take some time. […]
We have finally got the issue resolved and the grid is back online. Thanks for your patience and understanding. dan
Hey everyone, We are currently experiencing some technical troubles involving routing and networking and have been working with our provider to diagnose the issue (specifically packet and arp mapping issue). I apologize for the downtime and we’ll get the grid back online as soon as we can resolve the issue. dan