
45 posts

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OSgrid status update

Past few months the OSG team has been working on a variety of things. So we figured to give you a small update on the grid status. For all users, and our volunteer admin teams convenience, a support ticket system has been implemented. As currently most of the “offline” request came in randomly via a contact form, IM’s, notecards, mails, […]

Vivox Outage resolved

Despite us fearing the free voice service to already have disappeared, Vivox had an outage and seems to be back online. The server that is used for open simulator voice seems to be available again. This does however change nothing about their earlier communications regarding their intentions with this service. We still expect the service to stop in the near […]

Vivox Voice

It’s 2024 and it looks like Vivox finally discontinued it’s free opensimulator voice services, as they have been warning us about for over 2 years. Vivox put out an end of service announcement in 2021, they retired signing up in 2023, and for it seems, now finally in 2024 they took the depreciated service offline. Despite this being inconvenient, we […]

Grid Status update status Last week the OSgrid admin team has been working tirelessly on various projects. Since we have holidays (read, some free time) we figured to use it to get some work done on the OSgrid infrastructure. As you might have heard in the community meeting we are on the verge of replacing the main grid server with a powerful […]