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UPDATE – Release changes for OSgrid OpenSimulator

Hello everyone,

I have posted a new version of OSgrid Simulator release on the website today, there are some important changes that you should be aware of before upgrading to make sure you retain 100% functionality.

The main changes are to the GridCommon.ini . the following section needs to be added, see the link for fully updated GridCommon.ini

GridCommon.ini Changes

   ; Change this to your grid info service
   GridInfoURI = ""


The above changes to GridCommon.ini are not required, this is a new addition to the OSgrid GridCommon.ini and what it does is allow the following OSSL functions osGetGridName, osGetGridNick, osGetGridLoginURI to function as intended in grid mode. This section goes below the [InventoryService] section and just above the [GridService] sections.

The changes to the OpenSim.ini are also not required I have simply just brought the OSgrid release OpenSim.ini to be inline with the Core OpenSimulator OpenSim.ini.example file so that we can provide the best level of support to the core development team in terms of debugging. While these changes are not required we do recommend you take the time to bring your configurations up to date to insure you are getting the maximum compatibility from this and future OpenSimulator releases.

If you have any questions or need help with this update please join us on our IRC chat channel at #osgrid or you can use the web chat

Good luck everyone,
Michael Emory Cerquoni
OSgrid President