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Update – Release changes for OSgrid

Hello everyone,

I have posted a new version of OSgrid Simulator release on the website today, there are some important changes that you should be aware of before upgrading to make sure you retain 100% functionality.

The main changes are in two files, first is the OpenSim.ini . The following settings need to be moved from [Startup] into their own sections.  (link for the fully updated OpenSim.ini )

OpenSim.ini changes:


    ;# {AllowedClients} {} {Bar (|) separated list of allowed clients} {}
    ;; Bar (|) separated list of viewers which may gain access to the regions.
    ;; One can use a substring of the viewer name to enable only certain
    ;; - "Imprudence" has access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3" has access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3.1" has no access
    ; AllowedClients =

    ;# {BannedClients} {} {Bar (|) separated list of banned clients} {}
    ;# Bar (|) separated list of viewers which may not gain access to the regions.
    ;; - "Imprudence" has no access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3" has no access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3.1" has access
    ; BannedClients =
    ;# {permissionmodules} {} {Permission modules to use (may specify multiple modules, separated by comma} {} DefaultPermissionsModule
    ;; Permission modules to use, separated by comma.
    ;; Possible modules are DefaultPermissionsModule, PrimLimitsModule
    permissionmodules = DefaultPermissionsModule

    ;# {serverside_object_permissions} {permissionmodules:DefaultPermissionsModule} {Activate permission handling by the sim?} {true false} true
    ;; These are the parameters for the default permissions module
    ;; If set to false, then, in theory, the server never carries out
    ;; permission checks (allowing anybody to copy
    ;; any item, etc.  This may not yet be implemented uniformally.
    ;; If set to true, then all permissions checks are carried out
    serverside_object_permissions = true

    ;# {allow_grid_gods} {} {Allow grid gods?} {true false} false
    ;; This allows users with a UserLevel of 200 or more to assume god
    ;; powers in the regions in this simulator.
    allow_grid_gods = false

    ;; This allows some control over permissions
    ;; please note that this still doesn't duplicate SL, and is not intended to
    ;# {region_owner_is_god} {} {Allow region owner gods} {true false} true
    ;; Allow region owners to assume god powers in their regions
    region_owner_is_god = true

    ;# {region_manager_is_god} {} {Allow region manager gods} {true false} false
    ;; Allow region managers to assume god powers in regions they manage
    ; region_manager_is_god = false

    ;# {parcel_owner_is_god} {} {Allow parcel owner gods} {true false} true
    ;; Allow parcel owners to assume god powers in their parcels
    ; parcel_owner_is_god = true

    ;# {simple_build_permissions} {} {Allow building in parcel by access list (no groups)} {true false} false
    ;; More control over permissions
    ;; This is definitely not SL!
    ;; Provides a simple control for land owners to give build rights to
    ;; specific avatars in publicly accessible parcels that disallow object
    ;; creation in general.
    ;; Owners specific avatars by adding them to the Access List of the parcel
    ;; without having to use the Groups feature
    ; simple_build_permissions = false
    ;# {GenerateMaptiles} {} {Generate map tiles?} {true false} true
    ;; Map tile options. You can choose to generate normal maptiles or nominate an uploaded texture to
    ;; be the map tile using the MaptileStaticUUID parameter in this section or for individual regions in
    ;; the regions config file(s).  If you do not want to upload map tiles at all, then you will need
    ;; to disable the MapImageServiceModule entirely.
    GenerateMaptiles = true

    ;# {MaptileRefresh} {GenerateMaptiles} {Maptile refresh period?} {} 0
    ;; If desired, a running region can update the map tiles periodically
    ;; to reflect building activity. This names no sense of you don't have
    ;; prims on maptiles. Value is in seconds.
    ; MaptileRefresh = 0

    ;# {MaptileStaticUUID} {} {Asset ID for static map texture} {} 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    ;; If not generating maptiles, use this static texture asset ID
    ; MaptileStaticUUID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

    ;# {TextureOnMapTile} {} {Use terrain textures for map tiles?} {true false} true
    ;; Use terrain texture for maptiles if true, use shaded green if false
    ; TextureOnMapTile = true

    ;# {DrawPrimOnMapTile} {} {Draw prim shapes on map tiles?} {true false} false
    ;; Draw objects on maptile.  This step might take a long time if you've
    ;; got a large number of objects, so you can turn it off here if you'd like.
    ; DrawPrimOnMapTile = true


The following settings need to be moved from the [Startup] in OpenSim.ini to a new section of the GridCommon.ini. (link for fully updated GridCommon.ini)

GridCommon.ini changes


    ; Uncomment the variables in this section only if you are in
    ; Hypergrid configuration. Otherwise, ignore.

    ;# {HomeURI} {Hypergrid} {The Home URL of this world} {}
    ;; If this is a standalone world, this is the address of this instance.
    ;; If this is a grided simulator, this is the address of the external robust server that
    ;; runs the UserAgentsService.
    ;; For example or
    ;; This is a default that can be overwritten in some sections.
    HomeURI = ""

    ;# {GatekeeperURI} {Hypergrid} {The URL of the gatekeeper of this world} {}
    ;; If this is a standalone world, this is the address of this instance.
    ;; If this is a grided simulator, this is the address of the external robust server
    ;; that runs the Gatekeeper service.
    ;; For example or
    ;; This is a default that can be overwritten in some sections.
    GatekeeperURI = ""


If you have any questions or need help with this update please join us on our IRC chat channel at #osgrid or you can use the web chat or on the OSgrid forums here:

Good luck everyone,
