The open source metaverse

Grid Downtime scheduled for 12/17/2012 (Monday)

Hello Everyone,

As some of you may or may not have heard our hosting agreement with University of California has come to an end, the grant that was funding the project that hosted our server has ended and will not be renewed. What does this mean for OSgrid? It means we will be moving the server this coming monday to a new hosting provider, on Monday 12/17/2012 around 9am EST we will be taking the grid and websites down for a short bit while we transition the hardware to the new host, we are not quite sure how long the transition will take exactly so we do not want to give any estimates at this time, but if all goes well we should be back up sometime later that day, however we need to be prepared for the unexpected. We will be giving updates throughout the day marking progress as we near completion. We highly recommend that you log out of the grid during this time and especially if you do manage to stay inside the grid that you do not do anything with your inventory or do any building in your simulator as it will likely result in lost data and possible corruption of your builds. As part of this transition to cut down on costs shortly after this server move we will also be consolidating 2 of our plaza servers into 1 new more powerful server, when all is said and done our monthly costs will be about the same as they were before this. I would like to thank everyone who has donated their time and monetary donations as well, without this we can not survive, if you are not already donating to the grid you can find out more about how to here :, thank you everyone if you have any questions you can visit us at our IRC/Web Chat here : or via your favorite IRC client on #osgrid. If you want to follow progress throughout the day during the downtime, you can follow us on twitter

Michael Emory Cerquoni
(Nebadon Izumi)