Hello again everyone, I bring more news about the refactoring process. First let me start by stressing how important it is you do not update your regions past todays new release posted on OSgrid.org website. This is the last working version prior to the Refactoring, of which no one should attempt to go beyond at this point. Be aware that if you upgrade, there is no easy downgrading and you will find yourself rebuilding your sims from backups, or if your were not wise enough to do backups, starting over from scratch to get it back on OSgrid. So please, PLEASE! always do backups before upgrading, but in this case do not go past the revision posted on the website until we announce it is safe to do so.
In terms of the refactoring process, we have begun testing on a small test grid that is not currently accessible to the public, but the Administrators are doing their best to iron out the many kinks that have come from such drastic changes to the core software code. We ask everyone please be patient, and if you have the time help the developers to debug issues with the new grid software. If you are able we need people to setup their own mini test grids locally and see what kind of bugs you can shake loose. We have a long road ahead until we can actually pull the trigger for OSgrid and move on, but until then please be patient and if you have any questions or would like to become more involved, just visit our IRC chat rooms or the web chat on the main website (irc.freenode.net – #osgrid – #opensim – #opensim-dev). Thanks everyone and keep checking back for more details soon.
Nebadon Izumi