The open source metaverse

24 Hours of Downtime starting Sunday June 19th 9pm PDT

Hello everyone,

This coming Sunday, June 19th at 9pm PDT (12am Eastern USA June 20th, Monday) for approximately 24 hours the grid will be down to undergo upgrades and database maintenance, we will be moving the website and grid services (ROBUST) onto new hardware. We will also be converting some of the back end databases to a new storage engine. There is no need to shut your simulators down though they will not be accessible, if you wish to avoid constant spewing of errors on your simulator consoles we recommend you end task on the simulator (ctrl+c) but we do not recommend doing a proper shutdown as this will remove your region from the grid database and you could potentially loose your space. We also recommend that you take the time this week to create backup files of your simulators and potentially your inventory via OAR and IAR backups. If you require assistance please join us on our IRC chat channel at or use the web chat here. To get the most current updates please follow us at our twitter account

Thanks everyone
Michael Emory Cerquoni
OSgrid President