OSgrid will be taken offline on Wednesday the 10th of January 2024, at 16.00 hours grid time.
Downtime is expected to take a few days, as we have to migrate all grid services to the new server. A lot of preparation has been already done, but actually copying and importing all data, and do some testing will take some time. We hope to be back on Saturday, depending on how the migration unfolds. As all grid services will be migrated, also the OSgrid website will become temporarily unreachable. We will keep you posted here on this page if anything unusual occurs. As there will be no changes to assets or inventory, we recommend you to shutdown your simulators prior to the downtime, and you should be able to just boot them back up once the grid is back online.
Ini changes
After the grid reopens, we will be on a new version of the 0.9.3. build. This version has some INI changes in both it’s OpenSim.ini and GridCommon.ini. We will announce these changes in a separate post once the new version is released for download.