The open source metaverse

ATTENTION : Grid Down Time 1/27/2011 at 12:00pm eastern

Hello everyone,

As I am sure everyone has probably noticed by now that our website user registration and web log in have been disabled for several days now.  I would like to reassure everyone that these were simply growing pains that we have experienced with our database and simply nothing else.   Dave Coyle has spent the last few days reviewing and tweaking a lot of our Database queries and indexes and has converted our inventory tables on Danger grid to innodb, something we had planned to do at the last grid outage but simply ran out of time and decided it was better to put it off until we had the proper amount of time, and I am happy to say that the time is now.  Our testing on danger grid has yielded some very positive results in terms of grid and website performance, unfortunately it requires us to take the grid down for approximately 24 hours to complete, might be less, might be more, we do not want to over promise anything at this point.  So starting at 12:00PM Eastern Standard Time on January 27th 2011 we will be downing the grid to being this process.  We will be providing updates as things progress via twitter, so if you are not already following us on twitter you may want to now @   I would like to thank all of our grid testers and users for making these improvements possible.

There is also a new release I will be posting on the website today (OSgrid 0.7.1 (Dev) c472764: 2011-01-26).  This version has several improvements towards avatar appearance and log ins, as well as improved Hypergriding and teleporting.  Some of the changes i would like to specificially point out are in the OpenSim.ini itself, the changes are shown below:

lines 293-305


; Maximum outbound bytes per second for a single scene. This can be used to
; throttle total outbound UDP traffic for a simulator. The default value is
; 0, meaning no throttling at the scene level. The example given here is
; 20 megabits
scene_throttle_max_bps = 800000

; Maximum bits per second to send to any single client. This will override
; the user’s viewer preference settings. The default value is 0, meaning no
; aggregate throttling on clients (only per-category throttling). The
; example given here is 1.5 megabits
client_throttle_max_bps = 70000


lines 718:729


; Enables the experimental packet pool. Yes, we’ve been here before.
RecyclePackets = true;
RecycleDataBlocks = true;

;# {UpdatePrioritizationScheme} {} {Update prioritization scheme?} {BestAvatarResponsiveness Time Distance SimpleAngularDistance FrontBack} BestAvatarResponsiveness
;; This section controls how state updates are prioritized for each client
;; Valid values are BestAvatarResponsiveness, Time, Distance,
;; SimpleAngularDistance, FrontBack
UpdatePrioritizationScheme = BestAvatarResponsiveness
ReprioritizationEnabled = true


These changes should have a profound effect on busier regions on the grid, it enables bandwidth throttles so no one person can suck away all your bandwith, as well as re-enables the previously disabled Update re-prioritization which lets the prims closest to your avatar rez 1st for a better experience.  If you experience any issues with this update as usual please contact us on our web chat for assistance.

Thanks everyone and stay tuned!

Michael Emory Cerquoni

OSgrid Inc President