OSgrid is currently down, and under planned maintenance. So far the migration progress is “as expected” and on schedule. We opened a discord server (see right sidebar) which you can join to talk to / find where all your friends are currently hanging out.
As stated in the previous post, OSgrid will run a new version of the 0.9.3 when the grid comes back online. There will be changes to the Opensim.ini and gridcommon.ini with regards to the mute lists and offline IM’s. These changes are listed below the page break. If you want to stay on your current simulator version, you can edit the changes into your existing INI files. Otherwise you can download the new version from the OSgrid downloads page when it’s back up. In that download these changes have already been applied.
That’s all for now. We will keep you posted in case exiting things happen…..
Administrative Notice - OSgrid ini changes Januari 2024
Greetings. We have implemented the following required changes to the ini files, for mutelist and offline IM's
Opensim.ini :
OpenSim.ini [Messaging] section: (you can just replace your entire [Messaging] section with code below)
;# {OfflineMessageModule} {} {Module to use for offline message} {OfflineMessageModule "Offline Message Module V2" *}
;; Module to handle offline messaging. The core module requires an external
;; web service to do this. See OpenSim wiki.
OfflineMessageModule = "Offline Message Module V2"
;# {OfflineMessageURL} {OfflineMessageModule:OfflineMessageModule Offline Message Module V2:Offline Message Module V2}
;; URL of web service for offline message storage. Leave it commented if your service is local to the sim.
OfflineMessageURL = http://services.osgrid.org
;# {StorageProvider} {Offline Message Module V2:Offline Message Module V2} {OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll}
;; For standalones, this is the storage dll.
; StorageProvider = OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll
;# {MuteListModule} {OfflineMessageModule:OfflineMessageModule} {} {} MuteListModule
;; Mute list handler (Requires OpenSimMuteList module). MUST BE SET to allow offline
;; messages to work
MuteListModule = MuteListModule
;# {MuteListURL} {MuteListModule:MuteListModule} {} {} http://yourserver/Mute.php
MuteListURL = http://services.osgrid.org
;; Control whether group invites and notices are stored for offline users.
;; Default is true.
;; This applies to both core groups module.
ForwardOfflineGroupMessages = false
specifically, OfflineMessageModule, OfflineMessageURL, MuteListModule and MuteListURL will need the new values.
In the GridCommon.ini there is a new section: (you can just add the section below to the bottom of your GridCommon.ini)
MuteListServerURI = "http://services.osgrid.org"
You can manually edit these files to reflect the changes above or you can download new files using the links below with the changes already made
(don't forget to remove the .txt extension)
Alternatively, there is a new download with all the changes posted at the download page: https://www.osgrid.org/download.php
Mind the above is only valid for 0.9.3 builds, which require .NET 6 to operate !