Hello everyone,
First, let me apologize for the grid downtime, for those who are not aware of whats happening, late on Sunday evening it came to our attention that a handful of peoples inventories were reset. Since we were not sure what was happening we immediately downed the grid in case bad things were still occurring. We began a database restore for comparison, but because of our current backup server configurations, ie. Software Raid, this machines ability to restore the database is amazingly slow. On another note some good news, this hardware is scheduled for this week to begin phase 1 of the hardware upgrade to fancy new high-power Hardware raid adapters, sadly this would have already been done a few weeks ago, but unfortunately we ordered the wrong 1u riser boards for our servers and the upgrade had to be rescheduled until we found the proper parts, not so easy!! anyway back to the real issue, because we found out so late about the issue on Sunday night, our volunteer staff tried to stay as long as we possibly could without being so tired that we would likely do more harm than good to the databases. So I again want to apologize to everyone that we could not stay up all night and fix the servers as quickly as we would like, but you can rest assured that we will be back early in the A.M. on Monday morning trying to make things as right as we can for everyone who is having issues. Until the database restore is complete we will not have any good explanation as to what really happened, but as soon as we do know i promise you all will know as well, Thank you for your understanding, it is a great pleasure to work with the great citizens of this grid, if you have any questions or would like to report you had inventory issues before the grid went down, please post on the following forum thread : [Grid Downtime Discussion]
Michael Emory Cerquoni (Nebadon Izumi) President, OSgrid Inc.