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OSG Update for 2015-02-01

Asset import from the recovered disk has begun and is making great progress, currently over 25% complete and running two times faster than anticipated.
Melanie from AVN and OSG continue to monitor the asset restore from the recovered drives to the new asset cluster.

The new asset server cluster is getting a workout from the asset recovery and doing well.
With Melanie’s cluster replication design, the assets are importing to both asset servers at once and will not require an additional, later replication step.
Melanie and OSG continue to monitor the new asset server cluster during this recovery.

OSgrid restart is getting closer but there is still no specific date or ETA.
Once the current asset recovery and testing is complete, there may be additional testing required.
However, initial indications have everyone positive.

This week focused on the asset recovery procedures without discussing restructuring.
More news once additional planning and testing has been done and final decisions can be made.

OSgrid would like to offer thanks to everyone such as Melanie, Justin, Diva, our supporters, and everyone who has gotten behind OSgrid during this catastrophe.
The assistance, the patience, and the good wishes are all very much the rays of light we need to keep pushing forward in an otherwise very awful time.

Thank you all!

Next Update 2015-02-08 or 2015-02-09