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UPDATE – Release changes for OSgrid OpenSimulator

Hello Everyone,
This new release now has a new cap enabled for Inventory over HTTP for v2 and v3 viewers and requires changes to your OpenSim.ini :


    ;; For the long list of capabilities, see OpenSimDefaults.ini
    ;; Here are the few ones you may want to change. Possible values
    ;; are:
    ;;   "" -- empty, capability disabled
    ;;   "localhost" -- capability enabled and served by the simulator
    ;;   "" -- capability enabled and served by some other server
    ; These are enabled by default to localhost. Change if you see fit.
    Cap_GetTexture = "localhost"
    Cap_GetMesh = "localhost"
    ; This is disabled by default. Change if you see fit. Note that
    ; serving this cap from the simulators may lead to poor performace.
    Cap_WebFetchInventoryDescendents = "localhost"
    Cap_FetchInventoryDescendents2 = "localhost"	


This new addition should improve inventory loading performance for all V2/V3 based viewers and could improve overall performance for your simulators.

If you have any questions or need help with this update please join us on our IRC chat channel at #osgrid or you can use the web chat

Good luck everyone,
Michael Emory Cerquoni
OSgrid President