The open source metaverse

Weekly Town hall Meeting

We have organised a new weekly meeting for you, the residents of OSgrid to discuss all things related to you, and your experiences within OSgrid. We want your feedback about the grid and your experiences and decided a meeting was a good way to discuss and debate what you think and feel as it is much more personal when (virtually) face to face. We want to hear the good, bad and the ugly in order for us move forward. The meeting is open to any topic and is an open floor, that is, providing it regards you and OSgrid ;-).

The meeting is primarily hosted by Dave Coyle, with myself (Adelle Fitzgerald) as a ‘2nd’, but from time to time you will see other grid admins at the meeting. The venue is the fantastic Tower Lounge on the 7th floor of Blade Tower at Bade Plaza. This is a weekly meeting currently at 00:00UTC every Wednesday night/Thursday morning, though we may make adjustments to the time in the future, and even maybe create another meeting at a different time, if it appears so popular.