The open source metaverse

OSgrid Update for 2015-02-23

Melanie Thielker of Avination donated considerable code, design, time, and effort to build a new asset cluster for OSgrid, based on her FSasset service which she is also contributing to OpenSim core.
After Hiro requested additional datacenter networking changes and Melanie’s final cluster configuration and testing, both cluster nodes are up and running with the recovered assets.
Melanie pronounced her initial asset requests and the new cluster a complete success!

The final steps to re-opening are finally underway.
The inventory table was cleared as part of an initial attempt to return the grid to service with a new asset and inventory database when it looked like the recovery service was not able to restore the drives.
With the recovered assets in place, the matching inventory tables are being loaded, so that your login will have everything it needs to find your assets again.
Once the inventory tables complete their restore, return-to-service testing will begin with Hiro announcing an ETA for reopening announced shortly after!

OSgrid would like to offer thanks to everyone such as Melanie, Justin, Diva, our supporters, and everyone who has gotten behind OSgrid during this catastrophe.
OSgrid would like to extend an extra thanks to Melanie from Avination for her stellar asset code contribution and cluster design and configuration to pull OSgrid back from the abyss.
OSgrid’s return would not have been possible without her continued support!

Next Update 2015-03-01 or 2015-03-02